All of us know that there are a lot of chemical hair dyes that are selling on the market which are covering gray hairs, but some people want to use natural products. So, if you are one of those people who have gray hair and its bothering you, here are some natural cures that restore your natural hair color. Although there are a lot of homemade remedies for this kind of purpose, we offer you this one because it has been proven as one of the most effective ones.

How to prepare

Peel five potatoes and put the peels in a cup. You won’t need the potatoes so you can use them to prepare yourself a meal. In a saucepan pour two cups of cold water and then add the peels. Put them to boil, and after that lower the heat and let them simmer for five minutes. Take the saucepan away from the stove and let it cool down. Strain the liquid and put it in a pot.

After it cools down, add a little bit of lavender or rosemary oil for scent and then put the mixture into a glass container with a lid.

How to use

As usual, first shampoo the hair, rinse the shampoo out and then massage your hair with the potato peel water. Don’t rinse it off. At the end, dry and style your hair as usual.

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